Thursday, March 17, 2011

Ogoh-ogoh Photo 2011

Ogoh-ogoh is a large doll that made ​​scary and resembles a giant, is intended as an evil human nature sibul later after the parade ogoh-ogoh finished doll will be burned as a symbol of the evil nature of human burn so after that man can become a better person.

Ogoh-ogoh is a culture of Bali to welcome the new year Caka (Nyepi), usually in March or April bulam annually. From year to year ogoh-ogoh making changes on the author, formerly ogoh-ogoh made ​​of woven bamboo taped with a newspaper, but in recent years it has been replaced with iron materials, foam and sponge because it is easier but the cost is very high workmanship .

Photo ogoh-ogoh is my take with Nikon D60, Tamron 10-24mm lens on the intersection Kerobokan Kelod (next to the jail and the road to Petitenget beach), the atmosphere is very crowded, foreign tourists are very enthusiastic to watch the parade ogoh-ogoh it.

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