Friday, January 21, 2011

Gender Player Photo

Gender Player Photo

Gender is a Balinese traditional musical instrument, usually played by two people or more. Gender is used as a staging puppet musical accompaniment. This photo is very interesting for me because I get very good lighting. I use a Nikon D60, lens 18 -55mm.

New Leica 120mm f/2.5 Lens for S2 System

Leica has released its 120mm f/2.5 lens to be used with its flagship S2 medium format camera. The Leica APO-MACRO-SUMMARIT-S 120 mm/f2.5 portrait lens is the fourth lens to be available for the 37.5 megapixels portable mastodon — the 35mm f/2.5, 70mm f/2.5 and 180mm f/3.5 were already available.

The new lens has been designed for portraits, beauty, product and macro photography, says Leica, and is the first “fast macro-telephoto lens with superior imaging quality in the Leica S-System line-up.”

It is composed of nine elements in seven groups, including three elements with anomalous partial dispersion – “two of which are highest-quality fluoride lenses for the correction of chromatic aberration.” The lens is also dust and splash-proofed, says Leica.

The Leica S2 was first unveiled at Photokina in September 2008. At this year’s Photokina, starting Monday, September 20, Leica is expected to announce new products

Article Source:

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Most Expensive Leica Camera Sold at Auction

The auction saw a frenzied bidding war over its highlight piece, a Leica MP2 from 1958. With a starting price of € 80,000 this ultra rare camera is one of only six ever built, making it the most sought after and collectable Leica to date. It sold for € 402,000 (approx. US$ 532,453) to an Asian collector, who is now the owner of the most expensive Leica camera ever sold at auction.

The auction took place on 4 December at the Westlicht gallery in Vienna, home to an 800 strong collection of vintage cameras.

Nikon also proved to be a big seller with two record breaking sales. The Nikon S2-E, a viewfinder camera built in 1957 and a F3 NASA from 1968 found a new owner for the sum of € 168,000. Both exceeded the starting price by more than tenfold and became the most expensive Nikon cameras to be sold at auction, claims Westlicht.

A photo auction conducted the same day had equally lucrative results. A European dealer purchased a portrait of Egon Schiele by Josef Trcka for € 43,200. A portrait of Klimt also sold for a staggering € 15,600. Other prints by classic photographers Josef Sudek, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Philippe Halsman and Franz Hubmann went for prices that hugely exceeded the starting bids.

The next Westlicht Photographica Auction will take place on 28 May 2011.


Make-up Before The Wedding Ceremony Photo

make-up before the wedding ceremony photo

make-up before the traditional Hindu wedding ceremony in Bali, I tried to use a bit of light from behind the object so as to produce high contrast. I use a Nikon D60 and 18-55mm lens.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Traditional Balinese Photo

Traditional Balinese Photo

This Balinese dance on stage I photograph at night, very hard to get good photographs results from lack of light and without using a tripod. I use a Nikon D60 DSLR shooter setting slow speed, large aperture openings, high ISO and take advantage of the light stage.

Lomba Foto Dalam Rangka HUT Kota Denpasar 2011

Lomba Foto Dalam Rangka HUT Kota Denpasar 2011

1. Tema foto adalah “Dirgahayu Kota-Ku”
2. Kategori Peserta: Seluruh Pelajar dan Mahasiswa;
3. Objek foto yang dilombakan, diambil pada seluruh kegiatan HUT Kota Denpasar ke-19 yang akan digelar mulai awal bulan Februari.
4. Pemotretan boleh dilakukan dengan kamera analog maupun digital tanpa batasan jenis dan resolusinya;
5. Setiap peserta dapat mengirimkan maksimal 5 (lima) lembar foto dengan ukuran 10R;
6. Setiap peserta wajib menuliskan judul foto, Lokasi Pemotretan, nama lengkap, Foto Copy kartu identitas (kartu pelajar), dan nomor telepon/HP yang dapat dihubungi pada selembar kertas dan ditempelkan di bagian belakang setiap foto;
7. Masing-masing peserta hanya berhak atas 1 (satu) pemenang. Penilaian akan didasarkan atas nilai tertinggi dari foto-foto yang diajukan peserta;
8. Foto merupakan hasil karya sendiri dan dilarang mengirim foto dengan memakai nama atau alamat orang lain;
9. Foto belum pernah dimuat di media massa dan belum pernah menang dalam perlombaan;
10. Foto yang dikirimkan tidak diperkenankan mengandung unsur provokatif, pornografi, merendahkan citra institusi, ataupun SARA. Panitia berhak untuk mendiskualifikasikan foto yang dianggap mengandung unsur-unsur tersebut;
11. Foto Lomba Dibawa langsung kepada Panitia Lomba Foto HUT Kota Denpasar, dari tanggal 28 Februari s/d 7 Maret 2011 di Kantor Walikota Denpasar bagian Humas jalan Gajah Mada no.1 Denpasar.
12. Kepada peserta lomba diwajibkan untuk mengirim softcopy/negatif film kepada panitia untuk kepentingan penggandaan;
13. Panitia tidak bertanggung jawab terhadap adanya tuntutan pihak lain atas penggunaan fasilitas, lokasi, model, dan obyek lainnya dalam foto yang dikirim;
14. Semua foto yang diterima akan menjadi hak milik panitia;
15. Nama pemenang akan diumumkan pada tanggal 11 Maret 2011, Jadwal Penyerahan hadiah akan ditentukan kemudian.
16. .Keputusan juri mutlak dan tidak dapat diganggu gugat;
17. Pemenang akan memperoleh hadiah Piagam dan uang sebesar :
a. Juara I : Rp 2.000.000,-
b. Juara II : Rp 1.500.000,-
c. Juara II : Rp.1.000.000,-
d. 3(tiga) juara favorit : @ Rp 500.000,-

18. Hadiah sudah termasuk kompensasi atas penggunaan foto-foto pemenang apabila foto-foto tersebut digunakan oleh dan untuk kepentingan penyelenggara;
19. Dengan mengirimkan karya fotonya maka peserta dianggap telah menyetujui semua persyaratan lomba.

Salam Jepret
Ketua Panitia Lomba

Yudi Karnaedi, ST.

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